MATH CLUB FLEX is the place to be on (most) Wednesday afternoons! Math Club Flex will focus on building students' math brains in new ways. Twenty students will be working together in two sessions that each last for about half of the FLEX period.


Math Club Flex 1 will focus on math mindset, or how students perceive math and their own abilities in math. It will be based on the excellent online class from Stanford University called How to Learn Math: For Students. Thirty thousand students are taking this online class now and from the thousands that have finished, 72% said they have a stronger belief that they can do well in math.

Math Club Flex 2 will be Math Free Choice. Students will set goals for themselves and then choose a math activity from different options, including math-based games and puzzles as well as math help for classwork. Occasionally, either Flex session may be used for a fun group activity, especially if it is art-based or outside or both.


  • Students will learn new information on the brain and learning that will help them learn math in ways that are more effective and fun. 
  • Students will enhance their number sense and learn how mathematicians approach problems. 
  • Students will see and think about mathematical patterns in nature, art, games, and sports. 
  • Students will develop a growth mindset for math, drastically enhancing their learning abilities. 
  • Students will form or enhance a positive, powerful relationship with mathematics.

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